I’m interested in joining T4SG Board!

For the Spring 2023 Board, the following spots are open:

*Note that not all board position spots will necessarily be filled

Board applications will open November 21, 2022, and close November 28, with interviews happening throughout the week

The recruiting process for board will (likely) involve the following:

Decisions will be determined by the following:

A few things to note about board positions

Name Role What they do
April Director of T4SG (DOT) Coordinate the T4SG Board and do all the miscellaneous things (ex: client sourcing, funding committee, etc)
Alyssa & Andrew P Directors of Exploration (DOXs) Develop curriculum for and lead the exploration team (teaching UX and SWE fundamentals); building prototype projects for Harvard
Andrew N & Sherry Directors of UX (DUXs) Develop UX research & design infrastructure, advise Project Managers on leading successful UX teams, shaping future UX strategy at T4SG (still very much an evolving branch!)
Jamie & Jeremy Directors of Engineering (DOEs) Support engineering teams by creating resources and guidance/advise, position engineering teams to provide the most value to clients, have a great time 🙂
Christina & Isaac Directors of Inclusion & Ethical Tech (DIETs) Lead Ethics Committee; works with project teams on ethical issues; leads diversity initiatives within T4SG
Kevin Director of Engagement (DE) Runs engagement committee; coordinates socials and midpoint/final celebrations